Five EMERALD deliverables submitted in July 2024

Five EMERALD deliverables submitted in July 2024

We are glad to inform that five new EMERALD Deliverables were submitted on 31st July 2024.

These documents are available in the Deliverables web page:

D1.1 – Data Modelling and interaction mechanisms – v1.0
Initial version of the overview of data models and techniques used for creating and linking the data to evidence (annotation, etc).

D2.1 Graph Ontology for Evidence Storage – v1.0
EMERALD aims to integrate evidence collected at different levels of the cloud service into a single graph- based structure, the Certification Graph (CertGraph). This document describes the development of a uniform schema for storing and linking these heterogenous data. The report mainly involves T2.1, but also inputs of T2.2, T2.3, T2.4, T2.5, and T3.1 are considered.

D3.1 Evidence assessment and Certification – Concepts – v1.0
Initial version of the report on the requirements, design, and integration of WP3 components.

D4.1 Results of the UI-UX requirements analysis and the work processes – v1.0
Initial version of the report on the elicited UI-UX requirements from the target groups. Work processes and workflows that should be covered with the user interface concept.

D5.1 Pilot definition, set-up & validation plan – v1.0
Initial version of the report on Pilot set-up, validation plan of the user interaction concept, elicited requirements, and list of KPIs to measure the impact.

Special thanks go to SAB members, who have contributed to the revision of D4.1 and D5.1, and to all the editors and internal reviewers of the above deliverables.