We are pleased to announce that we have successfully completed and submitted three new deliverables as part of our project. This milestone marks a significant step forward, consolidating our progress and paving the way for the next phases.
The deliverables cover key aspects of our work and provide essential contributions toward achieving the project’s objectives:
D2.10 – Certification Graph (v1): This deliverable presents the first version of the Certification Graph schema, a unified graph-based model for structuring and linking evidence collected across different layers of cloud services. The ontology facilitates the consolidation, retrieval, and traceability of certification-relevant security metrics, forming a crucial part of our approach to continuous certification.
D3.5 – Evidence Assessment and Certification – Integration (v1): This deliverable details the first integration of WP3 components within the EMERALD framework. It outlines how evidence collection and assessment tools interact to support Certification-as-a-Service (CaaS), ensuring seamless interoperability and optimizing certification decisions across multiple security schemes.
D4.5 – EMERALD UI (v1): This deliverable introduces the first implementation of the EMERALD UI, designed to provide an intuitive interface for users interacting with the CaaS framework. The dashboard integrates various EMERALD components, streamlining workflows and improving the user experience for certification and compliance management. This deliverable is not available online since its content is sensitive.