As the project implementation progresses, publications stemming from and acknowledging EMERALD will be available here.

Title:CertGraph: Towards a Comprehensive Knowledge Graph for Cloud Security Certifications
Author(s):Stefan Schöberl, Christian Banse, Verena Geist, Immanuel Kunz, Martin Pinzger
Proceeding:MODELS Companion ’24: Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE 27th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems, pp.76-77 (2024)
Title:owl2proto: Enabling Semantic Processing in Modern Cloud Micro-Services
Author(s):Christian Banse, Angelika Schneider, Immanuel Kunz
Proceeding:KEOD 2024: Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development, (2024)
Title:Automatic association of quality requirements and quantifiable metrics for cloud security certification
Author(s):John Bianchi, Shuya Dong, Luca Petrillo and Marinella Petrocchi
Proceeding:AIABI 2024: 4th Italian Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Applications for Business and Industries (2024)
Title:Blockchain-Based Evidence Trustworthiness System in Certification
Author(s):Cristina Regueiro and Borja Urquizu
Journal:Journal of Cybersecurity and Privacy
Title:EMERALD: Evidence Management for Continuous Certification as a Service in the Cloud
Author(s):Christian Banse, Björn Fanta, Juncal Alonso, Cristina Martinez
Proceeding:CLOSER 2025: 15th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (2025)