The 3rd successful General Assembly of the EMERALD project took place in Karlsruhe

The 3rd successful General Assembly of the EMERALD project took place in Karlsruhe

We are pleased to report the successful conclusion of the 3rd General Assembly of the EMERALD project, held over two productive days in the beautiful city of Karlsruhe, Germany. Hosted by our partner IONOS, the meeting took place on the eleventh floor of their building, offering an excellent venue for our discussions and planning sessions.

During the first day, most of the time was dedicated to reviewing the progress of our technical work packages. Each WP leader presented the advancements, highlighting the steady and consistent progress we have made so far. Our discussions were thorough and constructive, allowing us to identify potential challenges and devise effective strategies to address them.

We also assessed the status of the upcoming deliverables, which are due in July 2024. Moreover, the project’s Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) were evaluated, ensuring we are on track to meet our goals.

The second day was equally engaging and productive: an important session was dedicated to exploring potential collaborations between EMERALD and COBALT projects. Our colleague Jesus Luna from Bosch presented in detail the COBALT project, providing us with valuable insights into their objectives and progress. This session was crucial in identifying synergies and potential collaborative efforts that could enhance both projects.

Following this, we continued our discussions on the status of various work packages. We also reviewed our plans for exploitation, networking, dissemination, and standardization activities. These elements are critical to maximizing the impact of our project, and our discussions helped refine our approach to these areas.

Looking Ahead

The meeting concluded with a session on planning the activities for the next months. This session was crucial in setting a clear roadmap for the upcoming phases of the project. We outlined specific tasks, set realistic deadlines, and assigned responsibilities to ensure seamless execution.

We extend our thanks to IONOS for hosting us and to all team members for their invaluable contributions.
